Friday 10 March 2017

Ascenzor Hydro-elite Hydraulic elevator

Hydraulic Elevator-

Hydraulic elevators are running in market from long back, It works with fluid pump from a reservoir (power unit) to Hydraulic Cylinder, which results into moment of cab. Every elevator has its own power unit. Its said that long back in United States there use to be a common reservoir which use to pump up pressurised water to every building and when UP operation was completed, while coming down the water was depressurised and drained back to reservoir. Yes you got it right, hydraulic elevators need operation of power unit only in up direction, while coming down gravity plays vital role in bringing back Cab down only with help of nominal voltage used for opening down valve and at this time motor operation is not needed. 

Hydraulic Elevator is also apt to install where there is no overhead height and only one wall is available for installation. It occupies very less space for installation  benefiting in getting larger cab size in small shafts. 

But regular maintenance of Hydraulic elevator is very much necessary or else you may end up with leaked hydraulic jacks and internal leakage of hydraulic valve. For this particular reason now a days Gearless elevators are preferred over Hydraulic elevators.  

Hydraulic Elevator Complete Kit assembly shown in this picture

Hydraulic Car frame designed by Ascenzor Elevators

Hydraulic Cylinder (Jacks) manufactured by Ascenzor Elevators

Power pack ( power unit) with Blain Hydraulics valve manufactured by Ascenzor Elevators

Hydraulic Pulley Assembly along with pulley guard for protection.

MRL Elevators - 10 to 15 passengers

Installation on guide rails-

Heavy duty elevator on guide rails , payload ranging from 680 kg to 1020 kg 
Total load is applied on guide rails which is further transferred to base of pit thus putting less load on structure of building. It can be customised according to different Overhead height as per the site actual dimensions. So far we have designed this model for Faxi , Torin Drive, Sharp Engg, Hepu, Bharat bijlee machines. Kit fully complies with EN 81-1 codes.

Heavy Gearless machine arrangement on Guide rails with rubber isolation 

Counter weight frame with Twist Angle pulley arrangement for space saving of shaft
2:1 car frame with bottom pulley arrangement and Tie-rods for proper support
and balance of cabin of larger size and pre arrangement for load sensors. Equipped with progressive clutch

Total assembly of heavy duty Ascenzor gearless elevator 

Ascenzor Genesis 1000 - Belt driven Elevator

Flat belt - Rubber coated Steel ropes

Ascenzor Elevators have designed its own patent pending product. Entire product is installed on guide rails which results in transfer of total load to base of pit. Only one wall is used for installation. One can have Glass view on 3 sides of cabin which was not possible in conventional design.

Belt results in smooth operation of elevator as metal to metal contact is not present any more like conventional system. More over belt is more flexible then rope which results in use of smaller pulleys which further results in expansion of main cabin size and hence in same shaft size elevator with greater capacity can be installed.

Total assembly of Ascenzor Elevator Belt Driven Genesis -1000

Our compact Genesis-1000 Gearless machine installed on top of guide rail.

Ascenzor Elevators Patent pending car frame, with progressive clutch and other safety features.

Counter weight frame for Ascenzor Elevators Genesis-1000 

MRL Elevators - 6 to 8 passengers

Installation on guide rails-

Total load is applied on guide rails which is further transferred to base of pit thus putting less load on structure of building. It can be customised according to different Overhead height as per the site actual dimensions. So far we have designed this model for Faxi , Torin Drive, Sharp Engg, Hepu, Bharat bijlee machines. Kit fully complies with EN 81-1 codes.
Arrangement of Gearless machine on guide rail 

Full assembly of our MRL Gearless kit 

Car frame 2:1 roping with progressive down action safety block

Counter frame with Pulley guard and oil can arrangement